Flynn's AI
Custom AI Models

Train an AI That Captures
Your Style

Create your own custom AI model that understands and replicates your unique style. Perfect for brands, creators, and anyone wanting personalized AI-generated images.

Upload Your Images

Start with 10-20 high-quality images that represent your desired style or subject

Use clear, high-resolution photos
Include variety in lighting and angles
Show consistent style or theme
Mix close-ups and full shots

Train Your Model

Our advanced AI learns your unique style and preferences

Automatic style analysis
Pattern recognition
Color palette learning
Composition understanding

Craft Perfect Prompts

Guide your model with effective prompts to get exactly what you want

Style-specific keywords
Detailed descriptions
Lighting preferences
Mood indicators

Generate & Create

Create unlimited images in your unique style

Instant generation
Style consistency
Multiple variations
High-resolution output

See the Transformation

Brand Identity

Before Brand Identity


After Brand Identity


Transform product photos to match your brand aesthetic

Personal Style

Before Personal Style


After Personal Style


Create portraits that capture your unique look

Crafting the Perfect Prompt

Portrait example


Professional headshot in [your style], natural lighting, neutral background

Product example


Product photo in [your style], minimalist composition, soft shadows

Create Your Custom AI Model

Start training your own AI model today and generate unlimited images in your unique style